Ways of fighting political apathy pdf

When government doesnt listen to the yearnings of the people, or is carefree about their feelings, there is bound to be general lack of interest towards activities of the government. D department of public administration and local government university of nigeria, nsukka abstract it has been highlighted in this study that political apathy is a seemingly innocuous issue in the. Over the years, elections have been plagued with rigging and malpractices. Political apathy allows a government to be carefree in their activities. A more simplified term for political apathy would be that someone cannot be bothered to participate in their countrys political system.

Political apathy is the indifference on the part of any citizen of any country with regard to their attitude towards political activities. A psychological analysis of the causes of voter turnout pdf. Deconstructing nonparticipation and defining political apathy. The root cause is often multifaceted and difficult to untangle. Political apathy threatens the survival of democracy not just in nigeria but in the other parts of the world. Rather it is the absence of any way for the great majority of citizens of any age to be involved in policymaking. Apathy denotes a lack of feeling of personal responsibility, a passivity and indifference for political affairs.

This could result in individuals and groups failing to see importance of voting, and participating in the wider democratic processes. Sep 09, 2018 gears proposes ways to cut wastage of election resources during apathy by staff reporter on september 9, 2018 mcdonald chipenzi says zambia is ripe for introduction of compulsory voting system that can eliminate wastage of election resources through apathy. By joining or belonging to popular organizations like the nlc nigeria labor congress political party like apc, pdp,lp etc. Simply put, political apathy is the lack of interest displayed by a citizen of a country towards political activities. Many people fail at creating habits because they dont understand the simple method for making habits stick.

Young feminists, feminism and digital media sue jackson victoria university of wellington, new zealand abstract over recent years, young feminist activism has assumed prominence in mainstream media where news headlines herald the efforts of schoolgirls in fighting sexism, sexual violence and inequity. This article is an examination of democracy and political apathy in nigeria between 1999 and 2011. The terms political participation, democracy, power, freedom, interests, equality, public, private, economic, political, citizenship and apathy itself are all contested among competing explanations of nonparticipation. If the full range of economic, social, and political effects, as well as casualty projections, of fighting various types of proposed nuclear war were to be examined realistically, our. All of these are the reasons why people do not participate in. This is a major reason for the growing political apathy in nigeria. Summarizing the opinion of most people who participated in the 199293 political dispensation professor nwosu posited in the african concord news magazine january 1993, after he had observed in the few weeks registration exercise, the apathy and disillusionment marked the registration of members into the two political parties. It also means the feeling of not willing to make any effort to change things. Apathy is actually defined as the absence of emotion. Political education in times of political apathy and extreme political pathos as global ways of life 83 noses, disease, symptoms, recovery, melancholy, therapy, blindness, pathologies, pathos and apathy. Forming habits involves a special skill set that is easy but important to understand. Political apathy leads to lack of communication between the government and the citizens. Political apathy causes the government to be carefree in its activities. When it comes to collaboration, one of our greatest fears is often confrontation.

Political apathy in nigeria is expressed in so many different ways. All the candidates who attempted it performed very well. Political apathy is a seemingly innocuous issue in the democratic process of nigeria. This includes lack of interest in elections, political events, public meetings, and voting. Belief that vote doesnt count many americans have doubts that their vote will be counted or that it even matters. Political apathy is a denial of political education. Eight ways to overcome political apathy in this snap general. Show full abstract concept of elite habituation 4, which refers to the ways that political leaders and other elites learn to behave in particular political modes. And if one person starts to detach, the chemistry of the entire team suffers.

Many americans have doubts that their vote will be counted or that it even. Negative political news coverage and negative political ads create cynicism in many americans, which leads to apathy. This general apathy is witnessed among all social categories but is especially rife among the youth. Promoting political education through the print and electronic media. He also served as director of the governance group for the coalition provisional authority in baghdad, where he helped guide iraqs postwar political transition and established a wide array of democracy initiatives. First of all, it can be the consequence of a lack of adequate political education, resulting in a poor understanding of politics. As leaders, we must fiercely defend the chemistry of our teams. Political education in times of political apathy and. Educational lectures how to fight political apathy. For this reason, apathy the state of not caring is dangerous. Jul 08, 2014 and yet another individual observes spoke on political apathy. Its main proposition is that bad governance was responsible for apathy in nigerias democracy from 1999 to 2011.

Aug 14, 2017 the good news is, all over the country people are fighting hate, standing up to promote tolerance and inclusion. It is imperative that government and all stakeholders should find lasting solutions to rejuvenate citizens direct participation in politics. More often than not, when hate flares up, good people rise up against it often in greater numbers and with stronger voices. Political apathy means a feeling of having no interest and enthusiasm about politics. Theyre also participating in their own way, showing the political elite. Matthew levitt is a senior fellow and director of the washington institutes stein program on counterterrorism and intelligence. Its main objective is to find out the dangers of political apathy in nigerias democracy. Political apathy rationales university of nebraska public policy. Causes of voterpolitical apathy in nigeria research cyber. It is said that the chief feature of the contest at lewisham is a profound indifference on the part of the constituency as to the result of the election. Much of the same election promises with more money pledged to move to this service or the other. In a broader sense, political apathy is the indifference on the part of any citizen of any country with regard to hisher attitude towards political. The dangers of political apathy and ways of fighting political apathy content the dangers of political apathy ways of fighting political apathy the dangers of political apathy some of the dangers of political apathy are. Satisfaction with the way democracy works in australia.

Ways of fighting political apathy in nigeria legit. Political apathy leads to denial of political information and education. Political apathy or lack of participation in politics, may lead to anarchy, fanaticism, and political, social or national disintegration. I do not think it is lack of knowledge that stops young people voting. Political apathy is a feeling of disinterest in the sense of politics or apathy towards politics. Citizens have a right to protest and boycott a system they dont believe in. Oct 26, 2019 what are the causes of political apathy in america 1. Dependence on political apathy underutilization of political rights lack of participation in local politics lack of participation in politics weariness with politics politikverdrossenheit. It can consist of interest apathy, voter apathy, and information apathy. Political efficacy is the amount of impact the citizens feel they have on the government while political apathy is the lack of care, concern or disregard of matters of politics. Youve probably heard people say they knew they were out of love when they no longer got angry. During my political activities i meet many people and i have been struck by the apathy displayed by a substantial number of them towards maltese politics. In the most recent french presidential election, there was more than 80% voter turnout 3.

In what ways can voter apathy be positively addressed. The dangers of political apathy and ways of fighting it. The emergence of political apathy can be explained in different ways. D department of public administration and local government university of nigeria, nsukka abstract it has been highlighted in this study that political apathy is a seemingly innocuous issue in the democratic process in nigeria. The high levels of apathy in elections are indicative of a malaise in the political system. Political apathy is the path to imbalance of power which may lead to revolutions and civil wars. It can be categorized as the indifference of an individual and a lack of interest in participating in political activities.

The following ways are the means by which citizens can fight against political apathy. The underutilization of political rights undermines the practice and principles of democracy and may in extreme cases lead to dictatorship. For example, politicians, elections, public opinions, civic responsibility. First of all, it can be the consequence of a lack of adequate political education, resulting in a poor understanding of politics and the role of government in society.

Lewisham is practically a suburb of london, and the conservative victory there in 1886 was on so great a scale, that it is very natural, for conservatives at least, to think that there is no more chance for the homerule candidate there than ther. If theres such a thing as a bellyup emotion, apathy fits the bill. When the government shows a commitment for real change and initiative, perhaps the people will be motivated. What are the causes of political apathy in america. The following ways are the means by which citizens can fight against. Political apathy will lead to a bad governance b good governance c reduction in corruption d development in politics.

Lack of participation in politics may be caused directly by discriminatory regulations or indirectly by the workings of bureaucracy, which may tend to make individuals. Political apathy meaning political apathy in other words, absenteeism means a phenomenon when citizens shirk a participation in elections, or in broad sense, political behavior characterized by inaction. A more recent generation of rational choice theorists have sought to find a way to explain. Political apathy threatens democratic dispensation when a politician wins an election in a high voter apathy political election, such a winner wins with a minority vote. Jul 27, 2001 the partys agendas focused on the same staid topics such as education and health. Click here to read note on effects of political apathy. Political apathy can also be defined as the lack of interest in being active in politics either by voting or been voted for, i.

How to get young people interested in politics letters. How use of mass media is related to civic activity and political awareness pdf. An individuals political apathy begins as a result of lack of understanding when it comes to politics or government to a certain. Another is the idea, typical in economics and in other social sciences influenced by economics, that most social.

Crewe et al 1992 distinguish between voter apathy and voter alienation as the basis of low political motivation. There can be many reasons why people have a disinterest towards politics and governance. But here, we have listed major 10 reasons for political apathy in nigeria. Jul 08, 2012 eradicating political apathy 64% of americans voted in the last presidential election 1. We should know the ways of fighting political apathy to save our country. Chapter 7 what are the sociodemographics of political apathy. All of these are the reasons why people do not participate in politics a bad governance b election rigging c weak security d good performance. Political experts put forward key arguments to convince you that your vote really does count in the june general election however frustrated or disengaged you. In general, political apathy is most common amongst disenfranchised groups, such as younger voters, minorities and the economically disadvantaged.

Mimura, 2011 that apathy can occur in such disorders as schizophrenia, stroke, parkinsons. The word apathy was formed from the ancient greek word apathies which means lack of feelings. Voter apathy negatively impacts upon the electoral process and its outcome. Political apathy is best described when a citizen is indifferent in their attitude to political activities, such as electing politicians, having opinions, and their civic responsibility. May 16, 2020 apathy should not be confused with laziness. Contending issues and the way forward idike, adeline nnenna, ph. Subsequently, it denotes the absence of a feeling of personal obligation to participate. Democracy by its very nature assumes that an active electorate is a sine qua non that drives the process. How can citizens fight against political apathy in nigeria a by gossiping about the government b by knowing and defending our right c by avoiding to vote during election d by participating in the rigging. While apathy simply means a feeling of not having any interest in or enthusiasm about anything. Where apathy comes fromand what it looks like in inaction.